Hendrick House, Tucson, Arizona

Tucson, Arizona, USA
1632 E. Hedrick Drive
Tucson, AZ, 85719

Hedrick House Overview

Hedrick House was founded in 1977 as a sober living environment that gives men an addiction an opportunity to recover and live in a building that was established to promote sobriety and healing. The facility has since expanded and now has a number of outpatient services to offer patients, which they can take advantage of during their stay and even afterward, as they continue to live a sober life after they have graduated from the sober living program offered by Hedrick House.
Hedrick House does not seem to have an official website that represents the facility or their staff members or to provide any specific details about the treatment services they offer to the patients who might be interested in making use of the sober living environment they have to offer.
The company does, however, have profiles on two of the major social media platforms, including Facebook and Google+. They seem to be very active on both of these profiles, frequently updating their profiles with the latest information related to their services, and providing inspirational messages to people who are going through addictions.

Hedrick House Housing

Hedrick House owns a property that is equipped with several bunkhouses. This is where patients will reside if they choose to become part of the sober living program that the facility offers. The facility can house up to 60 patients at a time. Only male patients are provided housing at the facility, so all of the bunkhouses that are found on Hedrick House’s property are gender-specific housing programs for men only.
Each of the bunkhouses offers multiple rooms, and patients need to be comfortable sharing rooms with other patients who are also part of the sober living program at the facility. Up to five male patients may be housed in a single bunkhouse at a time, with two patients in each of the rooms that are found in these bunkhouses. The housing at Hedrick House seems to be provided to patients on a first-come-first-serve basis. When a patient comes to the facility, and there are no beds open at the time, they can most likely be placed on a waiting list and will then be notified once a bed becomes available.

Hedrick House Treatment Options

No extensive data regarding the treatment options available at Hedrick House is available since the company has not provided a full list of the services they are able to offer patients on an official website. The social media pages primarily provide inspirational quotes, instead of details regarding addiction treatment services.
We did note that Hedrick House mainly specializes in providing patients access to a sober living program. The program is only available to male patients and will give the man access to an environment where they can live while they recover from their addiction. The facility where the patients reside will provide additional services that will further aid in the patient’s recovery but will not provide any special amenities since the primary aim here is to ensure the man can recover in an environment that was designed to promote a sober lifestyle.

Hedrick House Therapies Provided

When a patient becomes part of the sober living program at the Hedrick House, it also means they will be provided the benefits of the outpatient services that the facility has developed to address addictions among the male patients who reside at their center. Patients will be given multiple therapy sessions each week. These therapy sessions will include individual sessions and group therapy sessions.

Hedrick House Payment Options

No extensive data have been provided in terms of the payment options that are available to patients at Hedrick House. Patients will need to pay a monthly rental fee of $600. This seems to include housing, food, and additional services, such as therapy.

Hedrick House Accreditations

We were unable to obtain details in regards to any possible licenses that state authorities have provided Hedrick House with. There are also no details in terms of accreditations that the facility has been rewarded in the past. Since no website is available, it makes it more difficult to obtain such information. If a patient would like to more details in regards to the licenses and authority of the center before they become part of the sober living program, the patient should get in touch with the directors at Hedrick House.

Hedrick House Amenities

The Hedrick House provide patients with an environment where they will feel safe and cared for, and where they will not be exposed to the substances that have caused them difficulty in life in the first place. The list of amenities at this facility does not seem too extensive, but monthly rental fees are very affordable, and the purpose of the center is to help men recover from their substance abuse disorders, not keep them entertained throughout the process.

Hedrick House Staff

Since Hedrick House does not have an official website, it is rather difficult to determine who the staff members are at the facility, or how the facility operates. While we did find that there are staff members allocated to stations at the facility in order to ensure patients are always monitored during their stay in the sober living environment, and therapists are available to provide services as part of the outpatient treatment programs, we could not find any specific details on who these staff members are or the qualifications they hold.
Patients should get in touch with the company by phone or through their social media pages if they would like to know more about the staff members at the sober living house.

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