Excelsior Youth Center, Aurora, Colorado

Excelsior Youth Center Review
15001 East Oxford Ave
Aurora, CO, 80014

Excelsior Youth Center is a 501(c)(3) behavioral remediation facility serving girls between the ages of 11 and 17 to go to receive therapy and counseling while they complete their education in a safe and structured environment. The 33 acre campus is located in Aurora, Colorado with nine cottages that house 147 girls on site at any one time. Excelsior cared for over total of 523 adolescents during 2016.

There is a fully accredited school in which all girls are enrolled during their stay. They intervene to improve the lives and outlooks of severely emotionally and behaviorally disturbed girls. The girls referred here have, on average, been to 8 other remedial centers, so Excelsior is equipped to be the last center the girls need to spend time in and they do that by having extremely structured schedules, a completely individualized treatment plan, and a very high staff-to-resident ratio and a unique compassionate, community-focused vision.

Excelsior Youth Center Treatment, Programs, and Staff

The counselors and clinicians will admit girls with a wide variety of behavioral challenges including mood disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, substance abuse, addiction treatment, personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, learning disorders and sexual behavior problems.

There are a total of 330 staff member including accredited therapists and counselors. The clinical team are there to provide the therapeutic sessions to the girls as well as the integrated family and parenting consultations. The clinicians are highly educated to a Master’s level or above and have proper licensing to conduct evidence-based treatment methods according to the Office of Behavioral Health. The teaching faculty in the associated school are also trained as behavior coaches to help the youth with identifying opportunities for behavior modification.

Excelsior Youth Center: Facilities and Extras

Excelsior recognizes that troubled youth can be difficult and overwhelming for parents. So the center offers parenting help through short and long term programs such as the Integrate Family Stabilization and Functional Family Therapy which allows parents to participate in the therapy sessions that the girls routinely must attend. Including family members when discussing behavioral problems in a way that stresses acceptance and respect can reduce risk factors in vulnerable teens. These therapy sessions can be held in-home as well as on campus.

The beautiful campus offers significant outdoor activities and recess time for the girls. There is a large swimming pool, athletic fields and an indoor recreation center. The girls are permitted extra free time during the Weekends to use these facilities.

Rules and Regulations in Excelsior Youth Center

All girls are required to attend classes from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and to meet academic requirements necessary to maintain a trajectory to their high school diploma, while they are at Excelsior. Breakfast is served before classes begin and lunch is provided between midday classes. A family style dinner is served after classes conclude and then the girls must report to their assigned therapy sessions in the evening.

Excelsior accepts commercial carriers and several third-party insurance companies and can extend insurance compliance to other carriers on a case-by-case basis.

Excelsior Youth Center Review

For young girls who have exhausted all other remedial behavior centers, Excelsior is one of the best rehabs for behavioral disorders and it wants be the foundation to turn their life around. A firm but dedicated staff will do everything it takes to give their residents the level of support necessary to see improvements. The center even offers outpatient support after the girls have finished with their stay or have graduated from school. Residents sometimes complain about the strict rules and firmness with which they are enforced, but Excelsior staff consider it in the best long term interest of the youth. If you are a parent of a young girl with acute behavioral challenges wondering if there is a good behavioral rehab near me, then turn to Excelsior’s community for support.

Phone: (303) 693-1550
Fax: 720-465-6860
Excelsior Youth Center
15001 East Oxford Ave
Aurora, CO 80014






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