Top Rehabs in Bowling Green, KY for Overcoming Substance Abuse

Best rehabs in Bowling Green, KY

Table of Contents

How Many Treatment Centers are in Bowling Green, KY?

There are 13 addiction treatment centers addressing substance abuse within and around Bowling Green, KY. This figure represents the number of facilities accredited by SAMHSA. It also lists 4 mental health facilities capable of complementing addiction recovery programs with mental health programs suitable to every patient and the substance being abused.
Individuals addicted to opioids and their families can also seek the help of at least 9 physicians certified to administer buprenorphine for medication-assisted addiction treatment and recovery. These physicians maintain clinics within Bowling Green and up to 100 miles out, ensuring that residents of Bowling Green KY have access to their services when necessary.
Other than the availability of halfway houses in Bowling Green, KY, the state, in general, is becoming a top destination of choice for recovering addicts and their families because of the strong state support for individuals who want to become sober once again. Among these programs is a state-sponsored mechanism that helps patients and their families finance recovery from substance dependence.
Rehab centers, whether they are hospitals or more informal settings, also typically link patients to support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in Bowling Green KY. Participating regularly in AA meetings in Bowling Green KY may help patients transition back to a substance-free living and also regain their confidence in socializing with other people. More importantly, patients get to meet individuals who were once like them but who, with strong determination, were able to overcome addiction.

What Treatment Options are Possible in Bowling Green, KY?

The State of Kentucky takes the substance abuse epidemic very seriously. There is a state law that permits a patient’s loved ones to elect him for a treatment and recovery program. The strong administrative focus on substance abuse prevention, treatment and recovery have also made it possible for the state to implement a comprehensive lineup of services to help curb addiction.
There is a robust presence of services available to address addiction to various forms of substances, that includes:

  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamine
  • Prrescription drugs
  • Opioids

Different facilities cater to different patient profiles and substance dependence that needs to be corrected. Some centers are capable of addressing most, if not all, kinds of cases but, many specialize in one or few populations to give patients the best, most appropriate care that is possible.
Luxury in-house facilities are available for patients who have personal resources to spend on recovery. On the opposite end, state-sponsored addiction recovery programs are available to those who elect treatment but, do not have sufficient resources to fund improvements to their well-being.

How to Find the Best Addiction Treatment Center in Bowling Green?

It is understandable why despite the vast availability of treatment, care, and support services for addiction recovery, patients and their families often zero in on the cost and budget availability. Other than the capacity to pay, however, three other factors merit consideration when seeking rehab in Bowling Green KY. These factors are listed below:

Physician’s Diagnosis

Treatment must always begin with a thorough understanding of the problem. There are many forms of substance dependence, and it is a must to know what substance is causing addiction, how severe the addiction is, and what could be the underlying reason for misusing this substance. All of these must weigh in when examining available options for rehab.

Adherence to Standards

Different states impose different standards for treating addiction. Nevertheless, there are available national government standards for addressing substance dependence. All of which are based on the best available scientific evidence with regards to what could improve a patient’s chances of successful detoxification and recovering from addiction. Accreditation by SAMHSA will certainly help a patient and his family identify which facilities are offering programs based on current best practices.

Access to Support Groups

AA meetings in Bowling Green, KY may become an important support group for a recovering addict. Being able to connect with loved ones can motivate a patient to pursue a life without depending on any addictive substance.
Could you or a loved one be addicted to alcohol or drugs? Choose life. Choose to live sober. Dial 855-269-0335 to start recovery today. All calls are guaranteed private and confidential.

Substance Abuse is a Real Problem in Bowling Green, KY

Based on the 2017 report released by the CDC, there were 37.2% of drug overdose deaths for every 100,000 people in Kentucky. The state maintains a significantly higher than the national average rate for this parameter, which was only pegged at 21.7% during the same reporting period.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse has yet to release opioid statistics for 2017 but, based on 2016 data, the agency reported 23.6 deaths for every 100,000 population due to opioid overdose which is approximately twice that of the national average. Heroin addiction has become especially rampant, doubling the 2012 figures to reach 311 deaths due to heroin in 2016.
Based on a survey commissioned by the Office of Adolescent Health, about a fifth (18%) of all Grades 9 to 12 students admitted to drunk 5 or more servings of alcohol within the 30 days before to the conduct of the survey. From among the same pool of respondents, 33% have smoked marijuana, 5% have tried cocaine, while 4% have used pain relievers for non-medical reasons.

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