The Top Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Salt Lake City, Utah

Best rehabs in Salt Lake City, UT

Table of Contents

How Many Treatment Centers are in Salt Lake City, UT?

There are 41 substance abuse centers in Salt Lake City that are accredited by the SAMHSA. These facilities are capable of providing a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services necessary to help recovering addicts safely and more successfully pursue sober living in Salt Lake City.
When it comes to substance addiction, it is imperative that mental health is also given utmost attention. Most addiction recovery programs today are linked to mental health treatment programs so that the underlying causes of addiction may be properly addressed. Following this emerging addiction treatment protocol, drug rehabs in Salt Lake City, UT will typically integrate both thrusts in a patient’s treatment and recovery program to enhance the sustainability of positive results. 20 facilities are offering mental health treatment programs related in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Patients addicted to opioids require closer attention. Any sudden and unsupervised withdrawal from any of these substances may endanger the health and life of the patient. This is why the SAMHSA also publishes a list of physicians that the institution has accredited to administer buprenorphine to aid patients addicted to opioids with their journey to safe recovery. Based on the SAMHSA database, there are currently 55 physicians to use buprenorphine on patients recovering from addiction in Salt Lake City. They can help patients safely go through detox in Salt Lake City.
The local government of Utah is doing what it can to help address the substance addiction in the state, from programs ranging from prevention to treatment and recovery. The Utah Department of Human Services – Substance Abuse and Mental Health is spearheading such efforts.

What Treatment Options are Possible in Salt Lake City, UT?

There is a wide variety of treatment and recovery options now made available for patients and their families once they decide to go through rehabilitation. Treatment programs that address substance addiction are typically combined with behavioral therapy. Hospitals as well as mental health, addiction and physical rehab centers in Utah now form strong networks where each facility offers services in their respective areas of expertise when it comes to addiction treatment and recovery.

What Approaches Are Available in Salt Lake City Rehabs?

For instance, a methadone clinic in Salt Lake City may link up with a Salt Lake behavioral health detox facility to provide customized care for a recovering addict. Rehab centers may also link patients to Salt Lake City Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) where alcohol abuse is the issue.
Participating in AA meetings in SLC can help patients become psychologically stronger and more resilient to life challenges that they are facing, and become reassured that alcohol is not required to overcome these. A patient may also be linked to similar organizations depending on which substances are causing addiction.
By far, seeking rehab in Salt Lake City gives patients and their families access to a wide range of customizable services that may be administered in one of several facilities capable of providing anywhere from free to luxury accommodation that matches personal preferences. This wide availability of rehab options encourages affected individuals and their families to seek and complete prescribed courses of addiction treatment and recovery. The availability of payment options, including subsidized treatment programs in the area, further make addiction rehabilitation in Utah attractive to recovering addicts and their families.

How to Find the Best Addiction Treatment Center in Salt Lake City, Utah?

Substance addiction can be problematic in many terms, including pressing financial issues, for both the patient and his family. Other than this, successful treatment requires careful consideration of available centers and services for addiction rehab in Salt Lake City. There are several factors that a patient and his family must be well informed about when rehab is being considered:

  • Ask about certification. SAMHSA is one of the largest institutions that provide accreditation programs for addiction rehab centers nationwide, including in Utah. Other national, state and international accreditation programs are available as well, and it will be prudent to check on center accreditation. This is the first step to guarantee the quality of programs available as it helps establish that prescribed programs are based only on scientifically proven treatment and recovery techniques.
  • Inquire about success rates. It takes years and depth of experience to facilitate successful and sustainable treatment and recovery from addiction. The best rehab centers monitor the success of their patients long after they have completed their program.
  • Enlist the support of the patient’s loved ones. Salt Lake AA meetings may be helpful to a patient with an alcohol problem but, where the support of his family and closest friends, a patient will have even more motivation for recovery and to stay sober for good. People who have the patient’s best interest in mind will help provide the right kind of environment the patient needs to stay off of substance abuse and addiction.

Are you worried that your loved one or you could be suffering from addiction? Get help to stop substance dependence starting today. Contact 855-269-0335 to know what it takes to start a new life free from alcohol or drugs. All calls are guaranteed to be private and confidential.

Substance Abuse is a Real Problem in Salt Lake City, UT

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there were 365 deaths due to drug overdose registered in 2016 alone. This is equivalent to a death rate of 22.4% deaths per 100,000 population in Utah. This figure is slightly higher than the national average equivalent to 19.8%.According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), there were 466 overdose deaths due to opioid during the same year.
These figures demonstrate significant improvements from Utah’s alcohol and drug use prevalence in 2013 and 2015. In a survey commissioned by the SAMHSA covering the period 2013-2014, Utah turned out to have a higher rate of perception of greater risk from marijuana use. It will be interesting to know how the approval of the medical use of marijuana may affect this perception, following the passage into law of the Utah Medical Cannabis Act in late 2018.
Based on a survey commissioned by the Office of Adolescent Health, 4% of respondents attending Grades 9 to 12 have taken pain relievers for nonmedical uses. Among the key findings of the study is that alcohol and marijuana rank the highest in terms of substance being abused by young people, accounting for 10.6% and 7.9% of respondents, respectively. In 2017, figures registered in Salt Lake City show that the area recorded higher numbers than state average, with 12.0% reporting alcohol use and 12.3% marijuana use.

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