Palouse River Counseling, Pullman, Washington

housing development, Pullman, WA
340 NE Maple St
Pullman, WA, 99163

Palouse River Counseling Overview

Palouse River Counseling is an outpatient treatment facility that specializes in the treatment of chemical dependency problems that the patient may suffer from, as well as to address any particular co-occurring disease that the patient may experience while they are recovering from their addiction. The facility is staffed by psychologists, nurse practitioners, licensed counselors, and other support staff.
All of the staff members work together synergistically in order to ensure each patient can get access to the right services that they need during their recovery from chemical dependencies and mental disorders. The facility also provides a dual-diagnosis program, as well as additional supportive care services that aim to get the patient off drugs for good, instead of providing them with a solution to temporary sobriety.

Palouse River Counseling Housing

There are no housing facilities that are provided to patients when they need to be treated for an addiction that they are experiencing. All of the services that the company offers their patients are outpatient-based services, which means every single patient will need to attend therapy sessions at scheduled times in order to help them recover more effectively. Before and after each of the scheduled therapy sessions, the patient is required to have access to their own housing facilities, where they can stay at home, at a friend, or take advantage of sober living programs in the area.

Palouse River Counseling Treatment Options

Palouse River Counseling has two major categories of outpatient treatment options that they are able to provide their patients with. These include:

  • Mental health treatment services
  • Chemical dependency treatment services

All patients will first be screened before they are treated in an outpatient setting. The screening process helps the facility counselors understand what the patient may be going through. This gives the counselor a better opportunity to customize a treatment program that is specific to the patient that is being screened and needs to undergo treatment.
Some patients may be provided with services that fall within both of these treatment categories. This is the case when a patient comes in with addiction and also experience symptoms that are related to anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, and other mental health issues.

Palouse River Counseling Therapies Provided

The programs that are offered to patients who come to Palouse River Counseling for treatment primarily focuses on therapies that are provided to the patient. These therapy sessions help the patient address the root causes of their mental health disorders and, of course, their addictions. Group therapy sessions are frequently held at the premises, and patients are also treated with one-on-one sessions for a more individualized approach toward treating their problems.

Palouse River Counseling Payment Options

The cost of treatment at Palouse River Counseling depends on the patient’s specific circumstances. A financial counselor will analyze the patient’s income and also consider their expenses, in order to provide the patient with a bill that they can afford. The center believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to gain access to treatment services that can help them with their recovery from chemical dependency, as well as to assist in addressing mental disorders.
When a patient is insured through a health care policy, the patient can provide the financial counselor at Palouse River Counseling with their insurance details to determine if they are covered for the outpatient services provided at the center. Repayment plans can be customized to suit the patient’s ability to pay for these services as well.

Palouse River Counseling Accreditations

We found that Palouse River Counseling has not provided any details of accreditations that bodies like CARF or the Joint Commission might have awarded them in the past. These accreditations are considered important for patients who might be interested in utilizing the services of a company like Palouse River Counseling, as they provide evidence that the facility is able to offer their patients quality services that focus on the patient’s ability to recover while being treated. There is also no information available regarding whether or not the facility has been licensed with the local authorities.

Palouse River Counseling Amenities

No noteworthy amenities are provided to patients who are being treated at Palouse River Counseling since the facility focuses on providing patients with outpatient-based treatments. Patients will be provided access to a large number of professional and qualified staff members, all of whom hold appropriate qualifications and licenses with appropriate authorities, ensuring the patient can get the care, as well as the support, that is needed to ensure a better recovery.

Palouse River Counseling Staff

Palouse River Counseling offers an overview of the staff that has been employed to provide patients with a large range of services at their facility. Unfortunately, no extensive data is available in terms of these employees, apart from a broad role that they play and groups of employee names. No additional data is provided to patients who might be interested in becoming part of a treatment program that the facility is able to offer them. Patients should ideally contact the facility or visit the admissions center if they want to know about the qualifications and experience of these staff members, ensuring that they can know that they will be provided treatment by professionals who have undergone the appropriate training.
Staff members that have been mentioned on Palouse River Counseling’s official website include:

  • Nancy Gillard – Chair
  • Karen Curry – Board Member
  • Rhonda Allenger – MH Clinical Director
  • Mike Berney – Executive Director
  • Chad Lambert – Director of Business
  • Mark Ziegler – CD Clinical Director
  • Jill Elbracht – Nurse Practitioner

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