Malibu Hills Treatment Center, Malibu, California

Pier in California, Los Angeles, USA
415 Westlake Blvd
Malibu, CA, 90265

Malibu Hills Treatment Center Overview

Malibu Hills Treatment Center, located in Malibu, California, is a behavioral health facility that provides residential treatment services to individuals with substance abuse issues as well as, co-occurring disorders. The facility’s treatment approach is not rooted in 12-step at all and does not subscribe to faith-based approaches as well. Instead, the Malibu Hills utilizes a number of holistic treatment options to treat clients with substance abuse disorders. Clients seeking support for dual diagnosis support might not find it here, as they only cater to clients with co-occurring disorders. Founded in 2010, the facility offers luxury, residential treatment programs to individuals seeking treatment. Instead of using 12-step treatment modalities, the facility focuses on using one-on-one therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy, to help treat patients.
Upon admission into the facility, clients are required to complete an intake evaluation. This assessment will help the counselors and therapists determine the level of care the client requires, as well as move the client to detox if such service is needed. This assessment will also help the intake counselor determine the treatment plan and schedule that will work best for the client. After completion of detox, the client is assigned a psychiatrist and personal therapist. Group therapy is offered daily and attendance is mandatory. Qualified therapists facilitate all group therapy sessions.
A typical day at Malibu Hills Treatment Center starts at 8:00 am as that is the wake-up time, after which clients are required to take part in therapy sessions. Group therapy holds daily and individual therapy sessions held twice weekly, once with the client’s assigned psychiatrist, and another with the client’s assigned therapist.
All therapy sessions, no matter what kind it is, ends at 5 pm and off-site Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings take place. Clients who go for these meetings are expected to have returned to the facility before 11 pm, which is lights out. Other therapeutic activities such as yoga, massage, mindfulness meditation, Reiki, daily exercise, and more are offered to clients in addition to group sessions. The treatment modalities incorporated into the facility’s treatment plans include equine therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, art therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, neurofeedback, and many more. Spiritual counseling is also offered as well to clients who desire such.
The staff at the facility consists of psychiatrists, masters-level therapists, a medical doctor, a gourmet chef, and a hypnotherapist.

Accommodation And Food

The treatment facility is surrounded by mountains and the distance between the building and the beach is close. The treatment facility offers a luxurious, private home complete with co-ed accommodations and fully equipped with its own Jacuzzi and pool. All rooms offered to clients are gender-specific, which means that individuals of the same gender cannot share a room. Clients seeking a private room that is not shared would be required to pay a little more. It typically costs just about $40,000 for a shared room, but a private room would cost approximately $60,000. The facility only admits a maximum of 12 persons at a time and no more. An on-site gourmet chef is available to cook all the meals and dietary restrictions are put into consideration. There is no extra charge for food as it is all factored into the main course.

Treatment & Therapy

Malibu Hills Treatment Center offers different programs to clients suffering from co-occurring disorders, based on their specific needs. Some of these are:
Residential Treatment

The behavioral health facility offers a safe, structured, and serene environment for building a proper foundation for healing. The facility offers a holistic approach and a structured schedule and 12-step treatment modalities are not incorporated into treatment, except clients takes such off-site.
The following are conditions treated at the facility:

  • Substance abuse
  • Co-occurring disorders

Malibu Hills Treatment Center Therapy Options

Malibu Hills Treatment Center offers various options of therapy to clients with co-occurring disorders, which include:

  • Group therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Holistic therapy


Malibu Hills Treatment Center cost varies depending on the level of care and benefits a client desires. The behavioral health center costs approximately $40,000 to $58,000 for a 30-day treatment at the facility. Insurance plans accepted include Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Multiplan, Anthem, Oxford Health Plan, Great West, and many more. Clients can contact the Malibu Hills for verification of insurance and many more.


The facility is fully accredited by the Joint Commission.

Malibu Hills Treatment Center Advantages

The facility offers visitation privileges to clients, their loved ones and family members can come and visit at designated times. Visitation is allowed from nine am to four pm, Mondays through Thursdays. During the weekends, clients are allowed to go on outings such as movies on Sundays, visiting the nearby beach, and outings to restaurants.
In totality, the facility is dedicated and passionate about providing quality care and has been for in operation for over eight years now. With a highly trained staff team and a wide range of treatment options, Malibu Hills Treatment Center is a good option for individuals seeking luxury treatment.

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