Taylor Life Center, Flint, Michigan

Small Country Road Surrounded by Trees
4400 S. Saginaw St.
Flint, MI, 48507

Taylor Life Center Overview

Taylor Life Center, with four centers in Flint, Hillsdale, Owosso, and Sterling Heights located in the state of Michigan, is an organization which provides behavioral health care treatment to a wide range of persons dealing with addiction, mental health, and chemical dependency disorders. The facility offers outpatient counseling services to families and couples using individualized treatment and evidence-based therapy methods.
The first stage of treatment is an intake assessment. This assessment is done prior to admission and is involves a psychiatric evaluation to help determine the type of treatment a client needs, either dual diagnosis support or even medication management. After this assessment is done, the staff will work with the client to determine the best-individualized treatment as well as, level of care and treatment schedules. Cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy is utilized by the staff of the facility during both group and individual sessions.
The average duration of stay in each program varies from client to clients as treatment is customized. Therapy sessions help clients find the reason behind substance abuse and help develop healthier coping skills. Other groups offered different from individual and group therapy include anger management, adolescent groups, batterer’s intervention, and cognitive behavioral and dialectical behavioral groups.
The staff team at the facility is made up of clinical social workers, psychologists, nurse practitioners, licensed professional counselors, and many more. Clients in need of extra care not offered at the facility, are referred to outside behavioral health facilities for more treatment.

Treatment & Therapy

Taylor Life Center offers different programs and cares to clients suffering from addiction issues, based on their specific needs. Some of these are:

Outpatient treatment

The facility offers outpatient counseling services to individuals seeking an alternative to residential treatment as well as, treatment from mental health and substance abuse issues. Treatment approach utilizes CBT and DBT during group and individual therapy. Clients are also offered individual, couples, and family counseling sessions.
The following are conditions treated at the facility:

  • Substance abuse
  • Co-occurring disorders

Taylor Life Center Therapy Options

Taylor Life Center offers various options of therapy which include:

  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy and counseling
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Adolescent groups
  • Psychiatric evaluations
  • 12-step
  • Couples therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy


Taylor Life Center cost is calculated based on a sliding scale. Payment for treatment varies from client to client, as payment is calculated based on the household income of the client. The facility accepted multiple insurance plans and prospective clients can contact the facility for verification.


Taylor Life Center is licensed by the CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities).

Taylor Life Center Advantages

The facility offers transportation services to clients to and from their homes to meetings and other Taylor Life Center services offered. This service is offered to clients living around the facility.
The facility in totality offers counseling services to individuals seeking a continuum of treatment from chemical dependency and substance abuse issues. Other disorders such as behavioral health and general mental health are also treated as well. The treatment model used is highly evidence-based and is utilized during specialized groups.
Clients registered at this facility are offered a wide range of services as well as, a solid foundation for long-term sobriety to begin. The facility helps clients tackle the challenges of early recovery and helps them heal completely through counseling. Therapy services such as individual couples, group, and family therapy are offered to clients and their loved ones as well, to help develop healthy communication skills and heal broken relationships.


Kathy Taylor
Chief Executive Officer

Kathy holds a Bachelor’s degree from Oakland University in Human Relations and a Master’s degree from the University of Michigan in Social Work. She has held the position of C.E.O of the facility since 2004 and has over 30 years of experience working in the behavioral health care sector. She is passionate about helping people with disabilities and developed a training department to help train private mental health agencies.

Kim Rogers
Chief Financial Officer

Kim holds a Bachelor’s degree from Central Michigan University in Health Science and has over 15 years of experience working in the field of finance and management. She currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer and has been since 2005.

Jack Calhoun
Corporate Compliance Officer and Director of Quality Management Officer

Jack holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Religion from the Olivet Nazarene University and has completed graduate work in both Michigan State University and Olivet Nazarene University. He has held the position of director for quality management since 2007 and is dedicated to providing quality services to individuals registered at the facility.

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