Effective Living Center, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota

fall season, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
821 W Saint Germain St
St. Cloud, MN, 56301

Overview of Effective Living Center

Effective Living Center is a drug and alcohol treatment center that provides outpatient services to individuals aged 16 and above. The mission of Effective Living Center is to provide compassionate services to clients using evidence-based behavioral health services for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Clients are empowered to develop healthier lifestyles which will help them to leave addictive and unhealthy behaviors. The center offers outpatient services which enable clients to carry out their professional and usual life activities while receiving treatment for their issues. The primary treatment program at Effective Living Center is for co-occurring disorders of substance abuse and mental health issues. Other programs at the center include relapse prevention, anger management, domestic violence, and psychiatric medication assessment and management. Treatment programs are based on evidence-based therapies such as dialectical behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR, and psychodynamic therapy. Through educational lectures and counseling, clients are able to develop and strengthen skills such as mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal skills. Clients are also offered Moral Reconation Therapy which is based on the 12-step programming. Through holistic treatment approaches and counseling from the multidisciplinary staff of the center, clients are able to achieve the complete healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

Housing and Food at Effective Living Center

Effective Living Center is located on Saint Germain Street in downtown St. Cloud, Minnesota. The facility is situated in a small building constructed in brick and stone architecture. The center’s location is quite approachable. Although the exterior of the building is not very modern, It offers simple but beautiful interiors to clients where they can participate in outpatient sessions based on their individualized treatment plans. Since the center does not offer residential services, there are no accommodation facilities for clients. The building is primarily comprised of offices, therapy rooms, counseling rooms, and classes for educational lectures. There are common rooms and waiting rooms for clients and their families where they can wait in between their sessions and relax. All rooms are furnished in comfortable sofas and equipped with TVs. The therapy and meetings rooms are also comfortably furnished to make the clients feel peaceful and at-home. The building also has a cafeteria where certain snacks and food items are served. The facility has an on-site kitchen where the kitchen staff prepares sandwiches, salads, and other items for clients providing them with a variety of options to choose from. A number of beverages and drinks are also available for clients and families.

Treatment Options

The different treatment options available at Effective Living Center are:

  • Primary Co-Occurring Disorders Phase I
  • Primary Co-Occurring Disorders Phase II
  • Aftercare Program
  • Anger/Emotional Management
  • Domestic Violence Program
  • Men’s/ Women’s Recovery
  • Psychiatric Medication Assessment and Management
  • Relapse Prevention

The following substances’ abuse is treated at Effective Living Center:

  • Alcohol
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Illegal Drugs


Effective Living Center offers the following therapies to its clients:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Mindfulness
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • 12-Step Meetings

Payment Options at Effective Living Center

Effective Living Center provides comprehensive services for alcohol and drug abuse along with co-occurring mental health disorders. Each client goes through an initial assessment and evaluation after which an individualized treatment plan is created. The cost of treatment varies from person to person and depends on the insurance coverage of client, personalized treatment plan, and the duration of treatment. The center also accepts insurance plans of various companies, the details of which could be acquired from the admissions office. The cost for evaluation is $150, the cost of the DUI program is $200, and the cost of one session of IIP is $250.

Licenses and Accreditations

Effective Living Center has the following accreditations and licenses:
Licensed by the state of Minnesota

Effective Living Center Advantages

Effective Living Center is an outpatient treatment facility that offers its services to individuals aged 16 and above for substance abuse and alcohol addiction. The center also offers services for psychiatric and co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, domestic violence, anger, emotional breakdown, and other behavioral health disorders. Clients are offered individual and group counseling in a private and accepting environment. Through evidence-based therapies such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and EMDR, clients are able to develop healthier habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle. They are provided with life skills education and taught coping skills which help them cope with stressful situations in life. They are empowered to boost their self-confidence and self-esteem which helps them realize their true potential. At the end of treatment, they are able to lead a productive and fulfilling life as beneficial members of the community.

Staff at Effective Living Center

Effective Living Center offers quality premier services to clients for substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. The success of the center in providing lifelong recovery to clients can mainly be attributed to the dedicated and compassionate efforts of its staff members. The staff members are qualified, licensed, trained, and experienced in their respective fields. Each staff member has extensive experience of working in behavioral healthcare organizations and dealing with patients of substance abuse and dual-diagnosis disorders. The staff at Effective Living Center is comprised of master-level therapists, primary counselors, counselors, nurse practitioners, case managers, licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs), licensed addiction and drug counselors (LADCs), licensed mental health professionals, and technicians. All staff members provide comprehensive services to clients to make them as comfortable as possible. They adhere to the center’s core values of respect, dignity, compassion, and excellence while providing their services.

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