B-Houses Sober Living, Farmingdale, New Jersey

Delaware Water Gap National Recreational Area, New Jersey
260, Casino Dr.
Farmingdale, NJ, 07727

B-Houses Sober Living Overview

Based in Jackson and Howell cities in New Jersey, B-Houses Sober Living is an organization that offers housing services to male and female clients seeking stability and accountability after primary care. It was founded by Daniel Regan in 2015 to help provide sober living homes to clients living around the New Jersey area and seeking peer support. As a recovering addict himself, Daniel understands the struggles of addiction and co-founded a non-profit CFC Loud N Clear Foundation with his mother. The aim of this non-profit organization is to help provide a relapse prevention program to clients who have completed primary care and are seeking extra guidance. The facility helps young clients through education and more, stay clean and sober and begin a long-term life of sobriety. The facility, in partnership with CFC, offers sober living services to individuals helping to build independence, structure, and support to individuals.
Clients in this program are encouraged to rebuild their lives as they slowly integrate into the community. The facility undergoes a basic background check on each client before admission to make sure no one is a sex offender or has ever been convicted of violent crimes.
After intake assessment is completed and clients are admitted, a 30-day period called blackout period takes place and during this period, clients are required to come back home by 9 pm, seven days a week. Upon arrival, clients must get a recovery coach or sponsor and are given a week to do so. Residents are also required to either obtain a volunteer position at CFC, enroll in school, or get a job. Clients are also compulsorily expected to perform household chores and duties are rotated weekly. Client chores can range from sweeping, dusting, mowing the yard, mopping, taking out the trash, and many more. Clients are required to clean up after themselves after eating and are fined $10 if they leave a mess. Clients are required to wake up at 9 am on weekdays and 12 pm on weekends. Clients who work late night shifts are the only exception to the rule.
Other rules given to clients in the house include attending regular support group meetings, house meetings, and participating in CFC’s relapse prevention program. Clients are advised to attend SMART Recovery and 12-Step meetings while living in sober living homes, and SMART meetings are offered at CFC. The organization conducts drug tests at random and if clients fail the tests, may be expelled from the facility. Meeting schedules include careering building programs, peer support groups, self-empowerment groups, family workshops, recovery coaching, and many more.

Accommodation and Food

Both sober living homes can accommodate nine people at a time, nine men and nine women. The gourmet-style kitchen is spacious and comes fully equipped with appliances, granite counters, and wood cabinets. Rooms come fully equipped with nightstands, twin beds, and closets. The all-male sober living home is situated in a beautiful neighborhood that overlooks nature and trees. Men are also housed in spacious rooms which are fully equipped with dressers, framed art, twin beds, closets, and more, as it is similar to the women’s house. Single rooms in both houses are very limited and as such, are offered and reserved to senior residents.
Clients are required to prepare their own meals or buy it. Other amenities such as cable, fire pits, free laundry facilities, Wi-Fi, ample parking, memory foam mattresses, and more are offered to residents as well.

Treatment & Therapy

B-Houses Sober Living offers different housing to individuals suffering from substance abuse issues, based on their specific needs.

Sober Living

The organization offers sober living services to individuals who have completed primary care and are seeking a continuum of care in a safe environment. All treatment plans are individualized and clients are required to attend several meetings a week.
The following are conditions treated at the facility:

  • Chemical dependency
  • Substance abuse

B-Houses Sober Living Therapy Options

B-Houses Sober Living offers various options of therapy which include:

  • Group therapy
  • Family program
  • Individual therapy
  • SMART recovery meetings
  • Life skills coaching
  • Relapse prevention
  • 12-Step meetings


Weekly payments rate is $185. A late fee of $25 is added to payment if clients don’t pay on the deadline or are an hour late.


The facility is fully accredited by the New Jersey Alliance of Recovery Residences (NJARR).

B-Houses Sober Living Advantages

The facility founder Daniel Regan also served as a SMART recovery facilitator, and also visits various high schools and middle schools within the state to speak about addiction and more.
Clients who have completed primary care and are seeking a tight-knit, non-judgmental community that offers a continuum of care will find B-Houses Sober Living to be a good option.

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