Oklahoma Families First, Holdenville, Oklahoma

Tallgrass Prairie Preserve located in Pawhuska, Oklahoma
118 E Main St
Holdenville, OK, 74848

Oklahoma Families First Overview

Oklahoma Families First, located in Oklahoma, is a treatment facility that provides adequate care to individuals with substance abuse and chemical dependency issues. The treatment organization which currently operates nine locations and has been in operation since the mid-1990s. The facility constantly only offers substance abuse treatment (outpatient) in the Seminole and Holdenville locations. The website features the Ada Office location as a substance abuse treatment location but at this time, no longer offers such care here. Treatments offered in both locations are similar and both involve clients coming in for an assessment, getting a treatment plan, and getting a combination of case management. This case management incorporates all treatment schedules, group, individual, and family therapy.
The first stage of treatment involves clients coming in for an initial evaluation. This assessment is done to help the therapists and counselors discover the initial problem and the best course of treatment for the client. The evaluation involves assessing both the behavioral health of the individual as well as, substance abuse. This assessment will also help determine the intensity of treatment for the client, some clients might attend therapy multiple times a week, and some clients are only required to attend outpatient just once a week or month.
Some clients make it OFF and choose the facility instead of incarceration. This program is for clients who choose the facility as an alternative to incarceration via the Juvenile Drug Court or Drug Court. The facility at this time does not offer inpatient treatment to clients at this time, but clients requiring such intensive treatment will be referred to an outside behavioral facility.
The facility incorporates evidence-based treatment modalities during substance abuse treatment. Clients are offered both one-on-one individual therapy and group therapy, helping them find a balance and have accountability. Qualified therapists facilitate groups and “go with the flow” for group discussions instead of addressing a set list of topics. Different groups offer a wide variety of topics and group members. Some groups are tailored to client’s specific issues, and others offer a variety of addicts. Some of the groups are process-based, while others are more didactic. Clients and their loved ones can even participate in family therapy, and this therapy can take place either at home or in the counselor’s office.
The staff at the facility is made up of licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, certified addiction and drug counselors, licensed behavioral practitioners, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, and many more.

Treatment & Therapy

Oklahoma offers different services and programs to clients suffering from substance abuse addiction, based on their unique needs. Some of these are:

Outpatient Treatment

The treatment center offers a highly effective alternative to incarceration through the outpatient program for chemical dependency. Clients are required to partake in both group, individual, and family therapy. Case management services are also offered to clients in this program and staff here are dedicated to helping clients break the cycle of substance abuse.
The following are conditions treated at the facility:

  • Substance abuse
  • Co-occurring disorders

Oklahoma Families First Therapy Options

Oklahoma Families First offers a wide variety of therapy options to adult women and men and also the elderly, which include:

  • Group therapy
  • Psychiatric services
  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Case management
  • Foster care


Oklahoma Families First operated on a sliding scale basis which means that the cost for treatment, is calculated based on the household income of the client or guardian (in a child’s case). The facility is available to work with a client’s private insurance provider and also accepts Medicaid. Clients are advised to contact the treatment center for any information regarding admission, services, payments, and many more.


The facility’s programs are fully accredited by the CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). The facility is also licensed in the State of Oklahoma to be a Child Placing Agency.

Oklahoma Families First Advantages

The facility operates on a sliding scale basis for payment, and this is offered to clients who do not have private insurance or Medicaid. This sliding scale policy helps to make sure that no client seeking treatment is turned away. Clients seeking foster care and adoption services can find such here, as the facility does not just offer substance abuse treatment only. The facility works with the Department of Human Services (Oklahoma division), to help prepare medical documentation for adoption through a program offered called SWIFT Adoption.
The facility offers affordable and adequate substance abuse treatment to clients registered at the facility through highly-credentialed professionals. Substance abuse treatment is only offered in two locations, the Holdenville and Seminole offices. This is done to adequately distribute responsibilities and create a sense of community. Clients who do not find adequate care at both offices will be referred to an outside behavioral health facility for treatment.

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