Lifeline Connections Center, Vancouver, Washington

Vancouver, Washington
1601 East Fourth Plain Blvd Bldg 17, Ste A212
Vancouver, WA, 98661

Lifeline Connections Overview

Lifeline Connections is a facility that specializes in the treatment of addiction disorders. The company first started in 1962 and had since greatly expanded. They now offer their residential treatment services in the popular Clark County Center for Community Health, and also provide patients with access to additional services such as outpatient treatments, medication management, and more. The facility is appropriately licensed and has been networked with numerous insurance providers to make the treatment services they provide more accessible to their patients.

Lifeline Connections Housing

The facility where Lifeline Connections provide patients with treatment can house up to 60 patients at a time in the main department. Here, all rooms are gender-specific, which means a male patient will never be asked to share a room with a female patient. All rooms are also shared – two patients are placed into each of the rooms. In addition to the main department, a separate detoxification unit has also been established at the Lifeline Connections facility.
Here, up to 16 patients can be treated at the same time. Rooms in the detoxification unit are also gender-specific, but patients will be allowed to roam freely among the lounge and other amenities that are made available to them during their free time.

Lifeline Connections Treatment Options

Lifeline Connections have an extensive list of treatment options that they can customize to the patient’s specific needs. Once the patient comes to the facility for the first time, they need to go through an initial interview process, where they will need to complete a questionnaire and be screened to ensure the counselor in charge can make an appropriate decision when placing the patient into a specific type of treatment program.
In most cases, multiple treatments that the facility can offer a patient will be combined into one plan for a single patient. This ensures a better approach to treating their symptoms and ensuring a successful long-term recovery can be made possible.
Treatment options that are available at Lifeline Connections include:

  • Detoxification, including medication-assisted detoxification services.
  • Residential treatment services to help the patient recover in a safe environment that was developed to promote a sober lifestyle.
  • Outpatient treatment programs for patients with less severe addictions.
  • Assistance in the treatment of co-occurring disorders that the patient presents.
  • Treatment services for mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.
  • Medication-assisted recovery services

In addition to these services, it should be noted that Lifeline Connections also offer a deaf treatment program. Patients who are deaf can undergo recovery treatment at the center as they have multiple licensed therapists and counselors who are experienced in American Sign Language.

Lifeline Connections Therapies Provided

While medication-assisted treatments are available from Lifeline Connections, the facility tends to aim to help the patient recover with as little medication as needed, and rather focuses on providing them with a range of therapeutic solutions that can help them address specific issues in their lives. The company has found that by addressing such problems through therapy sessions, patients often have a better chance at recovering for a longer term.
The therapies that may be provided to a patient include:

  • Individual therapy for addiction disorders
  • Individual therapy for mental health disorders and co-occurring disorders
  • Group therapy sessions with a counselor
  • Family counseling
  • Support groups

Lifeline Connections Payment Options

Quite a large number of insurance providers are accepted at Lifeline Connections, making the services that this facility has to offer available to a much larger group of patients who may be finding it hard to overcome an addiction that they had succumbed to.
The insurance providers that are accepted at Lifeline Connections include:

  • Moda Health
  • Washington Apple Health
  • Anthem
  • BlueCross / BlueShield
  • UnitedHealthcare Pacific
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Cigna
  • ValueOptions
  • Premera Blue Cross
  • Aetna
  • Regence BlueCross / BlueShield

Patients who are insured with a provider that is considered out-of-network can still come to Lifeline Connections, as the facility is often able to work closely with the insurance provider of the patient in order to secure funds for the services that they need to be provided with during their recovery.
When patients are not insured, a sliding scale fee structure is used to ensure every patient can gain access to the treatment they need at a cost that they would be able to afford. Financial arrangements can also be made when the patient is unable to pay for their full service before they are admitted to the program.

Lifeline Connections Accreditations

Lifeline Connections has been accredited by the Joint Commission, a national body within the country that closely analyzes the services provided to patients at different types of rehabilitation centers. The gold seal of approval provided to Lifeline Connections means the Joint Commission found their services to be of high quality and appropriate for the standard of care that is expected from these facilities.

Lifeline Connections Amenities

While the rooms at the Lifeline Connections facility used to provide housing to residential patients are not significantly large, the facility does have a few amenities that are noteworthy. These include a common area, where patients can gather and meet up, as well as spend some time socializing, whenever they have free time. The area is equipped with a foosball table and a pool table. CD players and MP3 players are also available at the facility and accessible by the patients who are currently undergoing treatment.

Lifeline Connections Staff

After reviewing the Lifeline Connections website, we were unable to find any details related to the staff at the facility. There is no dedicated page to provide patients interested in the services and treatments provided at the facility with details in regards to the psychiatrists, therapists, nurses, directors, or any other staff members that are part of the Lifeline Connections team.

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