Best Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in Canaan, Connecticut

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Why Look For Rehab Center In Canaan, Connecticut

People who have developed drug dependence and are bent on curbing their addiction can improve their chances of being drug-free with help from qualified institutions and professionals. Canaan, Connecticut rehab programs can help people suffering from drug dependence transition to a safer, more dignified, and more meaningful life for their sake and for the sake of their loved ones.

Help is available from the government and non-government entities. Addiction rehab in Canaan, Connecticut, is spearheaded by the state government’s Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), which takes a more holistic approach to address addiction, including its underlying causes.

Addiction Treatment Services In Canaan, Connecticut

Drug rehab in Canaan, Connecticut is implemented closely with associated mental health care services, Some examples of treatment options are inpatient hospitalization, outpatient medical treatment services, 24-hour emergency care, residential detox, community-based treatment and support services, and aftercare.

The patient’s regular participation in individual counseling as well as group therapy is also highly encouraged. For those requiring more long-term guidance, case management, and living with a sober companion may be more suitable.

Facilities for alcohol rehab in Canaan, Connecticut, are also available.

How to Enroll In Substance Abuse Treatment Program In Canaan, Connecticut

Find a rehab facility in Canaan. Connecticut using this free and confidential Addiction Resource helpline.

People with drug addiction problems are highly recommended to be linked to the most appropriate institutions, whether public or private, that can help them get treated. The patient’s and his family’s preferences must also be considered when choosing a treatment and recovery plan and a location and setting where the patient will receive it.

To Get Immediate Help

Based on 2017 reports from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), drug overdose deaths in Connecticut were estimated at 27.7 deaths per 100,000 persons, which is twice as much as the national average recorded for the same period.

In a report released by the Connecticut DMHAS, heroin was found to be the most frequently abused drug primarily used by patients who checked in across all forms of treatment programs. This is followed closely by prescription drug misuse or abuse.

In case one has a reason to believe someone may need help stopping substance addiction, use the database below to find a suitable treatment center to address a patient’s unique needs.

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